TUSH spool holder with planetary gear

TUSH spool holder with planetary gear


Well, I needed a decent spool holder for a 2 kg spool badly, but the ball bearings shipment from China takes ages. So I took k3xx's version of the spool holder and * made the walls a little shorter so they would print more easily on a Cetus 180x180 mm² bed, * replaced the the need for ball bearings and a bearing guide by a bearing with a guide using emmett's planetary gear [1], * added a rim to the guide so I get it off the print bed in one piece, * and a snap-in connection to the axes. The spool holder was at first intended to be a preliminary solution until the ball bearings would arrive, but it turns out it works very well up today and I perceive almost no difference to traditional ball bearings. Both the axes and snap-in connection also survived rough torture tests before I actually trusted them a filament spool, so I might even be tempted to refrain from using ball bearings altogether. ;-) [1] Perhaps I should tidy up the scad file and make this an own thing. ### TODO: These are still just quickly-and-dirtily modified files, so they could use a bit of tidying up, optimizing and modularizing (just as the photos would, perhaps). I would be glad about any feedback. Has anyone longer-term experience with printed bearings?



