Printbuchse - alternative connector socket for fischertechnik cables

Printbuchse - alternative connector socket for fischertechnik cables


The [fischertechnik]( construction toy system uses cables with unusual [2.6mm jacks]( Compatible connector sockets, so called "[Bundhülsen](" (flush sleeves) are hard to get, relatively expensive, and you have to drill holes in your PCBs to mount them. My "Printbuchse" (printed socket) serves as a cheap, simple, and reliable alternative connection option for fischertechnik jacks. All it needs are 2.54mm male pin headers, the jacks are held in place by a printed sleeve. The Printbuchse enables simple connectivity for boards, shields, or breadboards with male header pins. However, it's main purpose is for it to be used for PCB enclosures, that's why I include a technical drawing and a FreeCAD source file. Due to the dimensions of the fischertechnik jacks (7x3.4mm), in any case only every second pin of a 2.54mm pin row can be used. The Printbuchse comes in these versions: * pin header adapter (STL-file): makes a pin header compatible with ft-jacks * ft-jack adapter (STL-file): makes a ft-jack compatible with male pin headers * generic Printbuchse (FreeCAD file and technical drawing): to be used in your own designs. See [this I2C port expander]( or [this electrical distributor block]( for examples. If you use my design for your own developments and publish them, please add the **tag "Printbuchse"**, so that it is [easy to reference]( them, and link back to this page. Please consider leaving a "like" or posting your make as a token of appreciation for my work. Find my other fischertechnik designs [here](



