Make Your Own Platonic Octahedron, Snap

Make Your Own Platonic Octahedron, Snap


####Make Your Own Platonic Octahedron Vertex connectors and edges that can be snapped together to make a Platonic Octahedron. To make an octahedron, one need 6(V) vertex connectors and 12(E) edges. Once assembled, the structure has 8 (F) equilateral triangle faces : V + F – E = 2. #### Among the Files Vertex connector at two level of tolerance (regular and loose) Edge bars of various lengths. ####Note Please print one connector and one edge first to try out the tolerance. A resolution of 0.2mm works well for me. You can play with the resolution to adjust the tightness between the vertex connector and the edge. The angles between the V-connector and edges are getting small. Toward the end of the project, please bend the structure a little bit, if necessary, to align the edges with the slots. A pair pliers might be handy, too. Also, please do not mix octahedral edges with those for the other Platonic solids, because they have different dihedral angles. Have fun! ####Reference







Math Art