automated station
This is a robotic arm with an electromagnet that grabs objects from a loading belt! I made this for an university project on embedded systems. Basically the belt moves a cube with a piece of metal glued on top and once it gets in front of the arm, and endstop senso detects it and the belt stops. Then the robot activates its electromagnet, grabs the cube and places it in a box. For the arm I used 1501MG servomotors. The electromagnet was built with enameled copper wire (I strapped out from an old transformer) wrapped around a big metal screw. The I just screw it into the plastic part. I also placed an NTC100 sensor in the electromagnet to monitorize its temperature, since it can get pretty hot when its activated (around 3A in a thin wire can dissipate a lot of heat) I used a continuous rotation servo for moving the belt with direct transmission to it.