Velleman K8200 dual Z motor

Velleman K8200 dual Z motor


Edit 12/06/19: Added Pictures of the finished solution. I have been looking for a great way to make the Z axel go up and down. I have tried a DOZEN designs and none where what I was looking for. Now I have designed my own one and it is in y sense the best one. Easy printet, stiff, easy aligned. Almost nothing can go wrong :-) You need to print 2 of each, but choose if you want TR8 leadscrew or SFU1204 ballscrew. I have designed it so that you can mount it with the motors up or down as there are monting holes in both ends. Or why not home to Z_max like a Prusa??? Something that you NEED to have in mind is that the toleranses on this design is TIGHT. Be sure to calibrate E steps, Flow and horizontal expansion before printing this. When you have checked it, please do it again... Otherwise its just to print. I printed it with 80 mm/sek. Hope you like it and want to use it.



