Simple print core holder Ultimaker 3 Ultimaker S3 Ultimaker S5
There were a lot of print core holders floating around but they were really awkward to print. This one is nice because it doesn't rely on support material and prints in one piece. It exploits the core's spring mechanism and clamps each one in place between the heat break and the plastic shield. This is designed for 8 separate cores. I have included a STEP file for anyone who wants to tinker. I printed mine with Ultimaker PLA and a 0.8 core with 0.4 layer height, sliced in Ultimaker Cura. TL;DR - Holds 8 cores - Works for UM3 and UMS5 - No supports or post processing needed - No glue or screws needed, hooks onto the side of the frame UPDATE: I made a smaller variant which holds 4 cores. The fins/legs are positioned inwards to prevent sagging.