Bowden Bracket for Greg/Wade Extruder Remix

Bowden Bracket for Greg/Wade Extruder Remix


This remix of the excellent Stu_Dku bowden bracket allows you to mount your classic Greg/Wade geared extruder on the back beam of your Sapphire-S CoreXY printer. It can be fitted to more printers, of course, which is why my source file is supplied as well. Fit it to your printer, use it for your commercial use at will. I only require that you repost your mix and acknowledge your sources, so others can benefit as well. The Greg/Wade Extruder in the picture is the classic Greg Frost's accessible hinged greg wade extruder (thing:8252) and I've added to it Richard Horne's (RichRap) excellent Greg style guidler modified with grab lever (part from thing:60531). Working with this bracket remix (original bracket is thing:126183), this trio makes a potent mix, allowing me to run my upgraded Sapphire-S (with high torque motors) at high speeds. I currently tested it at 120mm/s. Changes to the original: I've made the input nozzle smaller, to fit the classic Greg\Wade and moved it to the middle of the distance between the two holes in the bracket. These changes make it possible to mount it inside the bracket, not on the other side of it, although this also works: I've used the original Stu_Dku bowden bracket since 2014 and it works fine this way, but you can't mount the extruder inside the bracket if the nozzle is not in the middle between the holes. So.. There you have it. Have fun!



