Da Vinci 1.0 E3Dv6 mod with Filament Sensor and BLTouch Z Probe

Da Vinci 1.0 E3Dv6 mod with Filament Sensor and BLTouch Z Probe


This is a remix of my Da Vinci 1.0 E3Dv6 Mod with Filament Sensor [thing:3142498](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3142498), changing the upper piece to mount a [BLTouch Smart Z Probe Sensor](https://www.antclabs.com/bltouch) to enable bed auto-leveling and distortion correction. Modifications to the Repetier FW code to support the BLTouch sensor can be found in my [fork of the Repetier FW for the Da Vinci 1.0 project](https://github.com/pasqo/Repetier-Firmware-4-DaVinci-1.0). The position of the sensor has been chosen as a trade-off between coverage of the bed and ease of installation. As a result, the modified upper piece extends to the left of the extruder carriage and limits the X axis to a maximum of 193 mm. To restore the full extent of the X axis swing, if needed, one can remove 10-15 mm of plastic material from the left guide black block to allow the BLTouch the extra X movement to the left.



