ELP Camera Mount for Boss LS-1420, LS-1416
This Camera mount is designed to mount the ELP camera model # ELP-USB500W02M-L21 to the 5th Generation Boss Laser LS-1420/1416. It may work with other models of ELP camera and it may mount to other models of Boss laser, but I have not tested any other configurations. I have successfully used the camera with LightBurn. Assembly Notes: - Hardware needed: x2 10mm M3 cap screws, x2 M3 hex nuts - Electronics needed: ELP camera (link below), 3 meter USB A (male) to USB A (female) - Tools needed: metric allen wrenches (2.5mm and 3mm I believe - will check later) - Print Settings: PETG with 4 perimeters, 0.2mm layer height, 20% infill. 1) My camera's focus ring was glued in place. I used a hobby knife to cut through the glue and free the focus ring (you will need to manually adjust the focus later). 2) Insert the M3 hex nuts into the Camera bucket. I used the cap screws to pull the nuts into place. 3) Insert the camera into the bucket, pushing it securely onto the plastic standoffs. 4) Mount the bracket to the machine using the two screws that secure the handle to the lid. The bracket has an offset, so that the camera will not interfere with fully closing the lid of the laser. Hopefully it is obvious which way you should mount the bracket, but if not you'll quickly realize if you've gotten it wrong. 5) You will need to use a male to female USB A extender, because the cable on the camera is far too short. I routed the cable out the back of the machine, with the other wires and coolant lines. If you have any questions, post a comment below. I am leaving this as a Work-In-Progress. In addition to the STL files, I'm uploading the STEP files so that others may modify as needed. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KA83C8O/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1