AKG Y50BT / C50BT Travel Spacer

AKG Y50BT / C50BT Travel Spacer


Andrew L. Weekes 7 hrs I like using my printer for useful stuff and solving problems. I have a pair of AKG Y50BT / C50BT Bluetooth headphones, which have a minor design flaw in that when you fold them away to store them, they make contact such that the power on button gets pressed and you frequently don't realise until you can't hear anything on your phone because the headphones are connected! It's particularly annoying when in the car and the phone connects to the AKG's instead of the car bluetooth. The finish also tends to get scratched where the two earpieces make contact, so I designed a simple spacer that keeps them separated in storage, solving both problems and also acts as a convenient stand so they sit upright on a desk! I'm going to try lining the inside with some soft felt for optimal protection later on, but printed in the SUNLU PLA+ (which is softer and less abrasive than standard PLA) they work quite well as-is.






