DRY GLOVE SYSTEM for diving drysuit

DRY GLOVE SYSTEM for diving drysuit


Updated: 09.05.2020 - Additional information about seal thickness and printer calibration. This is a dryglove system for scuba diving drysuit. Tested on 10 deep dives (up to 32 meters) and few ice dives on my Scubapro Exodry 4.0 drysuit. You might need: 0. Great printer calibration based on any reference block; 1. O-rings (90x80x5 Marked as yellow) from Aliexpress or similar. https://tinyurl.com/y8t2fahg 2. Couple of industrial rubber gloves (better choice if they are from 1.1 to 1.2 mm thin, but there is possibility to buy thinner than 1.0mm. Remember that for each type of thickness in the package there is a special glove [mid] ring). Example: https://tinyurl.com/ya4rbs6b 3. Drysuit with compatible seals. Seal thickness in my case ~0.75mm. :) Pic.2 shows how to fit the seal and glove to the system where: Yellow: O-rings; White: Glove [mid] ring (FLEXIBLE); Gray: Seal [inner] ring (PLA); Blue: Glove fold; Black: Drysuit seal; Red: Cover [outer] ring (FLEXIBLE); NB: Middle GLOVE and outer COVER rings were printed with FLEXIBLE filament to get better flexibility on assembly and disassembly. Those rings possible to fit up to the last O-ring and it works (as on the second photo). Fit up COVER ring to the glove after glove assembly to the seal ring (as on the photo sequence). Inner SEAL ring printed with regular PLA filament.



