Security Camera housing for Raspberry Pi 3 B+, requires PoE
UAVPilot1 did a fantastic job making the original camera housing for the Raspberry Pi model B 1. kenkalso saw the need for a revamp to allow it to work with the model B 2 cases (and still fits the B 3+ btw) but added a "nasty carbuncle" to get the power cord to fit. He deleted the carbuncle in his later Pi Zero update. He also hardened the mount to move less in the wind. Some really nice updates. I was really interested in using a B 3+ in the case with kenkalso's design, but wasn't a fan of the nasty carbuncle as I am planning on using a PoE hat with the pie. So I updated his top and bottom housings to remove the carbuncle. Here's his Thing - It took me all night and this is my first Thing, but I tried to make sure its good. I didn't change any of the original geometry I sourced from kenkalso's files but have not yet tested a print. I used SketchUp to do this. I plan on using 3dhubs to find a printer as I don't have one. I will update here after I've printed it. Please follow the instructions in UAVPilot1's original Thing to assemble -