


***Please support me by using!*** If you want to support me, please download and(!) like [this design on prusaprinters]( If there are enough downloads&likes, i might get a spool of great prusa filament for free :-). There will also be the latest version from now on (as Thingiverse downloads are a bit broken at the moment) ***Information about this model:*** A desktop nameplate. Customize it to show your name or text (Press "Open in Customizer" above or install [OpenSCAD]( on your own computer). This version has 2 lines on top of each other. In case this Thingiverse websites "customizer" does not work, please install and use OpenSCAD on your own PC. [Instructions with screenshots how to set OpenSCAD up]( [Instructions how to generate the STL file with OpenSCAD customizer]( Big thanks go out to [RLazure]( for the original design, which i remixed. I updated it to the new font library, to contain 2 lines and to make the nameplate grow and shrink according to your font size selections. This desktop nameplate is intended to be printed in 2 colours and thus has different "types" of parts to select from: - If you *don't have a dual extruder / MMU printer*: Use the "full_nameplate" type. And use the "Pause @ZPos" or similar feature to change the filament during printing. - You can also create "A flat name tag", which is just a plate which you can stick on things directly. This was an idea/request from [oxgon]( - If you have a *dual extruder printer*: Generate and use the 2 parts "dual_extrusion_base_part" and "dual_extrusion_base_part". You can customize: - 2 lines of text. Just leave one empty if you need only one. - You can set "Bold", "Italic", etc, for each line. It must be supported by the text you selected though. (e.g. Bangers does not support it) - The font. Nice is e.g.: "Orbitron", "Bangers" or "Luckiest Guy". - Each lines font size individually. - The distance between the lines ***If you could take a picture of an actual print, please publish it via the "post a make" button. - I am curious to see your uses in the wild.*** If you like it, also check out my configurable text based creations, [multi-line label](, [sweeping nameplate](, [floor stand](, [gadget display stand](, [bunting banner](, [customizable text box III](, [pyramid text](, [3D text](, [Customizable text box with lid]( and [round text]( Have also a look at my [configurable pack of dogs](, [rabbits](, [reindeers]( and [santas]( There are also useful [coat hangers]( and [finger toys]( Or see the [customizable filament swatches]( to have an overview over your material. Just have a look at all my [customizable creations]( Thanks go out to [hetile]( that i can use the photos of the [flat nameplates]( "Eve", "Malik",etc! Thanks go out to [Jradford11]( that i can use the photo of his "[Regional sales manager](" nameplate! Have fun!



