Raspberry Pi camera mount for Athorbot printers

Raspberry Pi camera mount for Athorbot printers


This is yet another take on the raspberry pi camera mount. This one is designed specifically to be mounted on an athorbot couple frame. however it can be used on anything that the holes fit. I would just create a new mounting point with the holes you need for your printer. Additionally, I would suggest printing it the way I have already laid it out. the ball joint is meant to be printed inside the cup. it can be tricking to free the joint but it can be done and works well if you tinker with it. I found that using the included adjustment hole to pry on the backside of the ball works well for freeing it up. be careful of the actually camera holder. its thin and will break if you exert too much force. I have printed this in PLA and it works well. use an M3x10mm screw in the adjustment hole. An additional m3x10mm and matching locknut can be used at the joint between arm and mount. happy printing and be sure to post a make if you like the finished product. I will likely make another version thats a more polished product. i just wanted to get my camera mounted so I rushed a bit more than i normally would.



