Ribs for stabilo Carrera ASW 17 320 cm "Gross"
In Ribs.zip are the Sketchup 2017 files. If you want to change the the spar sizes you need Sketchup or other 3D tool. Despite that the former owner cut into the nose of this nice glider to fit a nitro engine in it I still love this glider and want to get it into the air again. I already had a original cockpit but the rest failed. I will make it myself like 35 years ago, when I had to repair my Carrera Trimmy wings or stabilo after a crash. I started with the rudder and now I have built the stabilo. I got a picture from the original Bauplan from a Carrera fan from www.RCNETWORK.DE but only from the upside. I do not know the profile but I choose NACA 0009. The stabilos of a Carrera Nimbus and Carrera SB10 (small) look almost the same but do not fit. The rudders of these other planes hit the stabilo and are useless on a ASW 17 "gross". First the ribs were meant as cutting templates for balsa, but after some tests I glue the 2 mm PLA ribs to 2 / 2.5 mm balsa. Only 2.5 mm balsa ribs would be very weak, because I will not sheet it with balsa. It will have an open structure. I want to keep the tail as light as possible. I used 8 x 4 mm hard wood sticks from the DIY store and 6 x 3 mm balsa for the spars. You have to decide if you want hard wood spar on top or bottom. 2 hard wood spars is too much and too heavy. I used 6 mm light balsa for the leading edge and 15mm x 2 mm medium hard balsa for trailing edge. I glued it almost all with HobbyKing CA thin and medium glue. For the wingtip I used scrap balsa pieces. The original stabilo has no rounded wingtips. I used 150mm x 3 mm brass tubes and 130mm x 2 mm steel rod to connect it to the "Pendelleitwerk" of the fuselage. Who can help me? After this I want to make balsa wings for the ASW 17. Maybe someone can send me good copies of the stabilo- and wingribs of the original "Bauplan" and a copy of the original building manual. I would appreciate that very much. Then I can start building the wings.