Hex Drawers (spiralized)
Who said 3D printing is a slow process? This is my design for a hex-cells storage for tiny objects like screws and bolts. I Designed all this models to be printed in vase mode (spiralize outer contour activated on cura), so the prints will have a single, continuous wall with no travel moves. This settings will make the print extremely fast. To correctly set the slicer (using 0.4 nozzle) -layer height: 0,3 mm -line width: 0,6 mm -top layers: 0 -bottom layers: 3 -spiralize outer contour option activted (you can find it in special modes on cura) You can print these with higher resolution too, the only thing you have to pay attention is bottom thickness: it has to be around 1 mm [(bottom layers) *(layer height)=1mm]. With the 0,3 layer, it takes around 15 minutes to print a drawer and aroud (15 minutes*number of hexs) to print the storage (so 2.30 h for the 10 hexs model). The oversized line width is important to create microjunction s between the walls (making the print very rigid, as you can see in the picture) and to have thicker surfaces.