


I looked around and found an ashtray that I liked. I printed and used it. What a mess, everything stunk of burnt plastic. I then thought about how to get the heat out and came on aluminum foil. I have remembered to have seen Alu ashtrays as a disposable item. That's how I built the press. Doing ashtrays yourself is not enough, I also want to punch in logos. You need an image editing program. Like Gimp. Only PNG Pictures will work. Then you reduce your picture to 200x200 pixels maximum and call it "Pic1.png". Of course as a grayscale picture, and in the same folder with .scad-file . The same picture you make darker by using threshold tool and calling it "Pic2.png". A light gray should become a dark gray and a black line should be a little thicker. OpenScad needs that because the brightness determines the height of the stamp. And the counterpart should be darker so that there is still room for the aluminum foil. Before using for the first time you should sand the molds with sandpaper. If you do not have a vice you can put a fat man on it too. But it takes power so you can see the picture. Because not every aluminum foil is the same you can set all important sizes. A piece of aluminum foil of 30x60 cm in a piece of 15x15 cm is approximately 0.13 mm thick. At 10x10 cm, it is already 0.17 mm. Version 1 has four trays, version 1.1 has eight trays.







3D Printing