SawStop Crosscut Sliding Table Positioner

SawStop Crosscut Sliding Table Positioner


This thing is a positioner for the [Saw Stop Sliding Crosscut Table]( The goal of any crosscut device is to provide accurate 90 degree cuts so parts will line up in final assembly. This thing aims to help you get closer to that goal with your sliding table. First you align your fence perfectly once (such as with the [5 Cut Method]( or a good known square reference). Then install the positioner so it touches the back edge of the fence. After that, every time you use the fence you can repeatably get back to that position with these 3 steps: * Install the fence pivot up against the stop block and tighten it's 2 screws. * Install the screw in the positioner. * Swing the fence back so it touches the screw and tighten it down with the silver knob. ### Background Typical crosscut sleds use a permanently mounted fence that is anchored at both ends and then adjusted using a method called the [5 Cut Method]( Most sleds have a fence around 30in/75cm or longer and a typical error value at that distance is less than 0.005in/0.127mm. On the sliding table the adjustment distance, the distance between where we can put the end stop and the pivot, is just 13in/330.2mm, much less than the 30" of a crosscut sled! If we accepted the same 0.005" error we would end up with much larger errors at 30" than a crosscut sled. So precise setup with this jig is important, I strongly recommend using an indicator. This part could be made from hardwood, aluminum or steel and likely be better than the 3D printed part. Feel free to remix this and make your own versions!






