Upgrading the Anet3D V1.5 board to a MKS Gen 1.4 board
I am posting this because I couldn't find any instructions to migrate between these two boards. Please see this website for all of the details. <a href="https://www.instructables.com/id/Upgrading-From-ANET3D-V15-to-MKS-Gen-14/">Upgrading from ANET3D V1.5 to MKS Gen 1.4</a> <b><u><em>On the end stop connectors; PLEASE make sure you move the right pin, or you could end up shorting out (KILLING) your new MKS board when the end stop switch is activated.</em></u></b> Note: this is for migrating from the Anet to the MKS board. You will need an MKS Gen 1.4 and stepper drivers. If you are going to upgrade to the MKS board, then you might need a new box for it, my remix design uses the Anet connectors and has mounts for two MOSFETs, you can find it <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3410295">here</a>. <b><u>Note: I have made updates to this instructable, but they are having issues with the changes getting posted to the web pages, Please download the Instructable PDF it has all of the changes. </u></b> The STL is a 25x25x25 calibration cube with my twist; it is labeled, so you know the direction of measurement even after you remove it from the bed.