WPL 6x6 Rear axle truck.

WPL 6x6 Rear axle truck.


Measured up and modeled the parts needed to use a combined truck for the 6x6 WPL trucks. so the axles will work together better than if they are independently leaf sprung like some older models come with. I have not printed this myself, and cannot guarantee the 3d printed leaves will work correctly. However the measurements are very close to the official parts I received. if you'd like to order the official parts, but don't want to purchase a whole truck, many of the TRAILERS offered online at some sites actually utilize these parts for less than a whole new truck would. As always, please comment if you have an issue, and share pictures if you get it to work! ------------------------------- NOTES: -These are designed with the intent of the original screws to be used, but due to the thin nature of the parts, I HIGHLY suggest you gently drill out many of the holes so that the screws do not split the prints apart while tightening them! -You'll also need to decide how to orient the center chassis plate upright mounts where the leaves and links mount to, as it has pegs that stick out on both sides. they're flat in the stl files, but you'll likely want to orient it sideways or upright with supports for easy printing. (can be printed as is, but will need plenty of support then for the bottom surface) -Some parts will be hard pressed to fit and will need to be gently sanded to fit correctly! 3/11/19: -Added corrected "V2" parts for center chassis plate, the leaf link and spring mounting bracket, and a beefier leaf guide







R/C Vehicles