Glass Bed Clamp - MP Select Mini 4mm

Glass Bed Clamp - MP Select Mini 4mm


Just a clip design to hold down the glass bed on my MP Select Mini V2. Total thickness of my bed was about 4mm with the glass bed and Buildtak installed. The tips of the mouth have ridges to give it a bit of bite. they were really well at holding my glass bed in place. Also gave it squeeze handles to install easier. Note: the blue painters tape you see is layers to make the same thickness as my buildtak; which prevents the glass from bowing in the middle due to the pressure of the clips. Note 2: Yeah, PLA doesn't make a good material for these. They went on nice and tight, but the heated bed made it warp and pop off 5 mins. into my next print. So I have updated the design (basically made it beafier) and uploaded that as V2.



