Monster Energy Drink Koozie - Vase/Spiral Print - V2

Monster Energy Drink Koozie - Vase/Spiral Print - V2


A can Koozie for a 500ml Monster Energy(or same sized cans). A full can should slide in with a slight push and stay in there pretty securely until empty. This is much stronger than my previous version: For fun I printed this in a temperature reactive PLA from Formfutura(they add a thermochromic pigment to it). When cool it's dark grey, when slightly warm it turns to a natural PLA colour(creamy white, slightly translucent). When holding the koozie for a little while you'll have a handprint on it that fades away when you put it down for a minute or two. <img src="" alt="alt text" title="" /> There's an STL for PLA/PETG and ABS prints(different sizes due to ABS shrinkage). If printing the lid, print it with the Monster logo facing up and enable supports. It prints better this way and the logo is cleaner. Koozie is best printed with a large nozzle in vase/spiral mode. Lid is best printed with a normal nozzle in standard mode. I used a 1mm nozzle and 0.72mm layer height for the can(45-55 min print) and a 0.4mm nozzle with a 0.2mm layer height for the lid(30 min print) The Monster lid is a modified version of this:



