Make a Cube / Hexahedron: Vertex and Edge, Platonic Solid

Make a Cube / Hexahedron: Vertex and Edge, Platonic Solid


#### Make a Cube / Hexahedron with Vertices and Edges ##### With the cube model, I have designed vertex-edge models for all 5 Platonic solids. **Update**: I recently took this design to some elementary classrooms, I found it is easy to spin on a vertex. Kids can spin it really well, creating a nice-looking virtual hyperboloid. The cube is certainly easy to make in a 3D design environment. However, a vertex-edge model is slightly challenging because of the angles. I extruded a base square toward the center of the cube to create the edges and vertices. It takes 8 vertices and 12 edges to make a cube. A resolution of 0.2mm worked well for me. Please print one pair to test the tension, increasing the resolution (say, 0.15mm) for loose connections. For tight connections, consider a drop of school glue, cement, or super glue. When it gets difficult to snap an edge into its vertices, feel free to use some pliers. #### Please Do Not Mix Please do not mix the cube vertices and edges with those for other Platonic solids. The angles are different. #### Reference







Math Art