


inspired by https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:197400, https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2106071, https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2266069 Here you need the pi zero enclosure I created a combination of them. It is intended to attach on the right side of my Anet A8 Now you have a enclosure to control the printer via Octopi and a four channel relay, and you can read the power consumption. Relay: search for: Elegoo 4 Kanal DC 5V Relaismodul mit Optokoppler für Arduino UNO R3 MEGA 2560 1280 DSP ARM PIC AVR STM32 Raspberry Pi powermeter: search for: AC 80-260V LCD Digital 20A Volt Watt Power Meter Ammeter Voltmeter I am using two relays of the board to switch both power lines the other two relais I am using to switch two different LEDs Wiring should be clear, if not don't do it ;-) at least its your risk. I had to modify my config.yaml for octoprint: system: actions: - action: printer on command: gpio write 21 0; gpio write 22 0 name: Druckerin an - action: printer off command: gpio write 21 1; gpio write 22 1 name: Druckerin aus - action: Licht an command: gpio write 09 0 name: Licht an - action: Licht aus command: gpio write 09 1 name: Licht aus - action: Drucklicht an command: gpio write 08 0 name: Drucklicht an - action: Drucklicht aus command: gpio write 08 1 name: Drucklicht aus:



