Alita damascus sword (EL wire version)
Here is my Electroluminescent wire sward from Alita film. Print it in clear PLA and put blue EL wire inside (buy 3 meters kit). Paint outside with silver paint except the traces on on sward. In order to fit electronics inside you have to take it out from original box (see pictures). There is a slot for standard size mini micro switch which activates EL wire whenever you like. I'm really happy with the result, but if you have any suggestions please message me :) Update (11/02/2019) I've uploaded new files where EL wire is going right to the end of the sward. On the picture I joined gripper and blade other way round, that has been fixed too. Update (14/02/2019) Model is split evenly now. Left and right side are mirrored. Update (18/02/2018) I uploaded version 2 of Alita sward which is cut differently. There is an offset of 2cm between left and right parts so when you glue both sides together it will be a lot stronger (like bricks in the wall). I did it in response to comment below which is really good idea. Update (20/06/2019) scaled version for EL wire uploaded. The total length is about 95cm now which is closer to the original size of the prop. The EL wire and micros witch slots are still same size.