Transformers Combiner Wars First Aid Pistol

Transformers Combiner Wars First Aid Pistol


I have not been a huge fan of the choices Hasbro had made with the recycling of accessories for the Combiner Wars figures. Case in point, Protectobot medic, First Aid's... axe? Recycled from Decepticon Offroad, this is hardly a precise surgical instrument! Anyway, thought I'd create something at least more in a G1 flavor. And here it is. I did test print this with a 0.04mm nozzle at a 0.12mm layer height and is what is shown in the photo. Doesn't print too bad, but would benefit from a smaller nozzle and layer height if you can. Definitely print it vertical and you will need supports for the grip and that taller forward sight piece. A fine support from the build platform is pretty much all you need. Anything more than that would be overkill. Happy printing!



