RPi Night Vision Camera IR LED intensity cutting filter
<i>This is one of my first models done in TinkerCAD, when I first started 3d printing. It is a little rough, but gets the job done. Now that I am adding Octoprint to my newer Ender 3 printer, I have decided to post this file.</i> I found that the IR LED's on my <b>Raspberry Pi Night Vision Camera</b> are too bright and overpower the normal lights for the Camera, making everything an odd black and white. Even adjusting the daylight sensor POT or removing one LED didn't help. The LED and camera to printer distance is just too close together. These cameras were design to light up objects 10~20 feet away. So in order to reduce the LED intensity, yet still retain the night vision capability, I designed these filters. You will need two, obviously. These are friction fit. You should be aware that the black lens on the LED also seems to be friction fit, without any adhesives. At least both my cameras are. There is a cutout for the Light Sensor. As for Printer Settings, I found through testing that having an air space between the top and bottom layers of the filter reduces the light transmission more than a solid layer of plastic, of the same thickness (which was a surprise to me). So <b>make sure that you have a little bit of infill between the top and bottom layers of the filter. Do not use infill greater than 25% or a high number or top/bottom layers</b> if you want this filter to be the most effective as possible. There is an example of the image with the room lights on (colour) and with the lights off (monochrome). I used 4 top and 4 bottom layers with a 12% grid infill. If you still need to reduce the intensity even more, you can scale these filters in the Z axis and increase the number of top/bottom layers by the same amount, while keeping the appropriate amount of infill.