Jacob's Ladder 3D Printed - Desktop 2 X AA
https://youtu.be/HNDkIMzz2wo First a word of caution! This is a high frequency, high voltage device. Please keep this away from all electronic equipment (Pace makers for sure!). I have even been shocked messing with capacitors and had my USB keyboard go out because it was close to the running coil. Yah that’s from a 3V input power source! So please be careful. This is essentially a parts addition to my original Tesla Coil 3D Printed – Desktop 2 x AA posted last April (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2855880). I have created a 3D printed replacement top to allow you to transform the original door knob style toroid into a Jacob’s Ladder electrode mount. The cap was designed to allow easy installation of 2 insulated 12guage wires that attach to either end of the secondary coil. Thus creating, a little desktop Jacob’s Ladder using the same design as my original Tesla coil. I have attached a video of the ladder being displayed in a low light environment. Take a look at my keyboard num-lock light which, is in close proximity to the running coil. These devices do not share the same circuit yet placing the Jacob’s Ladder within a foot of a digital circuit appears to cause interference of the keyboard. The cap has 2 holes on the top. The first goes through to the underside of the cap and a 6-32 style screw is used to secure the 12G wire and connect it to the secondary coil output wire. The second hole goes through to the side of the cap where a longer 12G wire is connected down to the base terminal of the secondary coil. There are holes for 2 6-32 set screws on either side of the cap that will secure both wires on either side. Seems like the pulse rate of this coil is not sufficient to produce the long slow arcs that we are used to seeing. Instead, this coil is seen producing lots of little arcs that sporadically run up the length of the electrodes. I am however satisfied with the final result as this turned out to be one of the smallest, and lowest voltage Jacob’s Ladder examples that I have seen to date. Hope you guys enjoy.