S/VM Grid (Spiral/Vase Mode)

S/VM Grid (Spiral/Vase Mode)


And another thing using led strips. This time it's a grid to be used with 30 leds/meter led strips. It's meant for people who are looking for a fast way to build a led screen from led strips. A arduino sketch is provided but that's about it, this is not for first time led diy-ers. And there's no electronic case, side covers, wall mounts or anything. Strip shouldn't be thicker than ~1mm between leds. Cutouts in the base are 12.25mm wide so WS2812B/APA102/others should fit. The grid is 200.1mm x 133.4mm x 16.675mm (6 x 4 cells). The outer walls are tapered so it can be tiled. Paper/diffusive material needs to be cut to 130mm x 196mm. There's not much room for error there... ^^ I suggest building the grid and screwing it to something flat. The connectors are not meant to hold the whole grid. Using the vertical base gives 4x6 pixels - so this may be usable when building counters (3 pixels width per digit 0-9 + 1 pixel spacing) The grid is tapered so the front can be mounted without destroying the ability to tile seamlessly. Diffusive material can be put in between but has to be cut very precisely. Grid Type B is meant to be put right behind something. Canvas, painted Glas, whatever. To keep cells as big as possible this is the one to go. No screws can be put in from the top and the front will not fit! Screw holes are 8,5mm deep on type b. Screw hole diameter is 2.85mm, it'll take M3 screws to mount the grid. Printing grid/grid type b in vase mode is possible, but not necessary. There's only 1 retract per layer, so I wonder how good it'll print from flexible materials...





