Apex Legends Pack - Loot Box - Detachable

Apex Legends Pack - Loot Box - Detachable


<div id="title"><h3>Apex Legends Pack Loot Box</h3></div> <div id="tip"><h5>Dont forget to leave a Like or Comment or even <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=AZB9U9AX34HBC&source=url">Donate</a>!<h5><hr></div> <div id="body"><br> <h3>Want to try some Experimental parts im working on for this? <br> You can dowload them from my site: <br> <a href="https://shop.j-m-e.net/view?item=234058529372">https://shop.j-m-e.net/view?item=234058529372</a>.</h3> <br><br> Not perfect but taken reference from in game footage and images. <p><h3>All Should work fine but let me know if any issues.</h3></p> quick octolapse @ https://youtu.be/s9Lc02jFI9E <blockquote> <h3> UPDATE 20/03/19<br>I have now simplified the files as V4, as it has got a bit over run.<br>all legs now have to be printed on there own.<br> If you need any old files then please contact me as I have all the old ones. All legs will work with V4, and a newer more scaled leg has been added. </h3> <br> UPDATE 18/03/19<br> It seems people are still trying to sell this off as there own creation! as is tha case with "QuickStuff3D" on etsy.. <br> UPDATE 4: 02/2/19<br> Well after most recent envents. ive got more legs! only printed one of them, but should be fine!. i think thats it job done. unless anyone else has any suggestions? <br> UPDATE 3: 25/2/19<br> So we have legs! Finally got around to making them, Though a bit out of scale. they are detatchable with the new body(APEX_PACK_Bottom_For_Detachable Legs_v3) Also have uploaded other bodies, without legs if you wish to add legs from else where. Not Printed So be warned, best orientation i think to print is either on its side or on the lower leg. <br><br> UPDATE 2: 16/2/19<br> Finished bottom with folded Legs<br> Added more details to top<br> Made body detachable from bottom(1mm gap around peg)<br> Made basic folded legs<br> Added all models to files <br><br> UPDATE 1: 16/2/19<br> Made the plates detachable(1mm gap around pegs)<br> Added more detail and corrected the mid cross plates<br> </blockquote> Personally I don't think angels are quite right and odd details missing here and there. Let me know if you think something needs adding / changing. <p>This is based of an ingame item from Apex Legends created as "Fan Art", No infringment intended</p> </div> <div id="share"><h4>If you print, please post a make and credit where applicable<h4></div> <center> <hr> <div id="follows"> <h2> Follow me on <a href="https://www.tiktok.com/@fusedthreed">Tictok</a> | <a href="https://www.instagram.com/jonnyo85/">Instagram</a> | <a href="https://twitter.com/jonnyo85">Twitter</a> <hr><hr></div> <hr> <div id="space1"><h3>Want to see cool things like this being printed LIVE 24/7?<br> Check out: <a targe="blank" href="https://www.twitch.tv/zombiesmakerspace">Zombies Maker Space</a> on Twitch!</h3></div> <hr> <div id="space2"><h3>Please Note the License, anyone found not to be adhering to it with out permission may have action taken against them.</h3></div><hr> <div id="space3"><h3>Want to suggest something for me to make next? send me a <a title="to User Jonnyo85" href="https://www.thingiverse.com/messages/compose/?username=jonnyo85"> Message </a>.</h3></div> <div id="footer"> <h5>(if you want to make and sell this then please contact me.)</h5> </div>







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