Flatbed Wagon for 16mm Scale Garden Railway
This is a flatbed wagon in the series of wagons to print for your 16mm (32mm & 45mm gauge) garden railway, they will work nicely in LGB scale to. Included are cargo to use with this wagon or to print for use in your own railway scenery. The model is easy to print , the only extra stuff you need is two steel rod for axis (3mm) and optional ballbearings (MR63ZZ) or brass bushings (easy to make, just drill a 3mm hole in a 6mm brass rod) for the wheel axis. If you want a single buffer wagon use the frame from my 5 plank wagon. If you print at 75% of orginal STL, you are getting a perfect sized wagon for my Diesel Loco 2021-11-04 A new version of frame1.stl, use frame1_V2 instead because off a small alignment error.