Micro gimbal for drone

Micro gimbal for drone


Ultra Light gimbal (25 gr.) consisting of 4 pieces+drone legs (5 gr. for each one): Upper Base to be secured to the drone; Lower Base on which to secure the Control Board (BGC 3 or others), there are two models of them; The two bases are secured between them through the shock absorbing rubbers; The “roll” motor must be screwed to the lower base arm and the “pitch” arm on which the GoPro (or similar) will be secured; The total weight, including the two motors (2208 kv80, but there are lighter motors on the market), Card (BGC 3.0) and sensor will be approx. 120 Gr. The power of the board can be supplied by the battery (2s/3s) of the drone. Legs designed for all models 501 Hubsan, but adaptable to any drone. Details Height: 10 cm.







R/C Vehicles