Raspberry pi camera cable slicing guide
The flex cable that connects a Raspberry pi to the camera module is 16mm wide and is flexible in one dimension only. I needed a more flexible/smaller alternative. I couldn't find a good one, so I designed this cable splitting tool. Using it, you can slice the ribbon cable into as may segments as you wish, without cutting the conductors. In addition to this tool you will need an X-Acto handle with a sharp #11 blade to do the cutting. The cover is the thin piece. Use M3 capscrews, washers and nuts to fasten the two pieces loosely together, with the smaller slot in the cover opposite the larger opening in the base. Slide the ribbon cable into either end and move the cover back and forth while holding the tool in front of a bright light while looking through the small slit. Move the cover slowly back and forth and you will see alternate bright and dark intervals, corresponding to the conductors and the plastic insulation between conductors. Move the cover such that is over the spot where you wish to slice the cable, and the light shining through the cable is at its brightest point, which means that the slot is directly over a space between conductors. When the cover is over the exact place that you want to cut, tighten the screws to lock the cover into place. Double-check with a light to insure the cover has not moved. Now slide the ribbon cable until one end is just sticking out the end of the tool. Now use the X-Acto knife and press it quite hard straight into the larger slot with the sharp side of the blade toward the "long" part of the cable. While still holding the X-Acto knife in place, grab the "short end" the end of the cable (the end that is barely coming out of the tool) and slowly pull the ribbon through. It will be cut nicely, and no conductors will be cut.