Betafpv 85X HD Canopy with 4 mounting holes

Betafpv 85X HD Canopy with 4 mounting holes


Betafpv 85x HD Canopy This is a remix of Betafpv 85x HD Canopy. Changes include 1) Added front and back screw mounting holes to better secure the canopy to the frame and to reduce vibration/jello. (Note: For the VTX, route your VTX wires around the sides of the rear standoff). 2) Increased the height of canopy to give more room between Caddx Turtle camera and PCB board. This is to minimize damage to the cable and the PCB board. You can also fit a regular Caddx Turtle with the camera backplate. (Betafpv 85X shipped with the Caddx Turtle camera backplate removed to fit stock canopy.) 3) Added braces to the Caddx Turtle mounting standoffs to make it easier to screw in the Caddx Turtle PCB when using TPU mount. I find that it's much better to use black screws and washers that came with Caddx Turtle than silver screws that Betafpv uses. See picture I have included. If you use the silver screws, make sure they don't touch any component on the Caddx Turtle board. I use Sain Smart TPU. I print this using 0.24mm layer height 100% infill. You will need support and have your support settings dialed in. (If you use Cura, make sure Enable Support Floor is not checked and Support Joint Distance is set to 0. Or you will get extra support in strange places like filling up the holes.It's a bug.) I have included a screenshot of my Cura Support settings. Using 0.28 mm Z distance (I think Cura may round it up a multiple of layer height) and 1mm support interface thickness seems to give the best balance of a smooth enough surface but also easy removal of support. Note: The version in the picture is slightly different and taller. Just did some testing of the mount. It's working well - no vibrations and no jello. Here is a short video -







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