Heart Lithophane Lamp
I wanted to design a lamp that meant I could just use a bog standard LED strip without soldering or any other difficulties. I had restricted time to design and print so this is by no means well designed or the best solution for routing the LED strip but it works and looks really good. My printer isn't printing things too well so I have built a lot of tolerance into the model where things fit together, but a bit of glue should keep everything rigid if need be. This was never meant to be uploaded but a couple of people asked for the stls and because of that its not the most straight forward to produce. To print, scale the part up 1000%. For some reason when I export from Inventor it comes out tiny. And use corner bracket rev 4. I used 3DP rocks to create the lithophanes. The side lithos have thickness 2.8mm and maximum size 120mm with 4mm borders. They are size 120x80x2.8mm. For the top lithophanes its is slightly more complex. 3mm borders. Height of the bottom lithos needs to be 69.582mm with borders and width 67.442 mm with borders. For the upper lithos 69.585 and 67.442 respectively. I have included in the files a powerpoint with the box for your pictures to fit in to the correct size. So crop your picture to the size of this box, and then 'group' with the cutout line and right-click and save as picture. In a photo editing programme crop out the cut out and then put into the 3DP rocks lithophane generator. Once printed you will need to cut off the excess, I heated a stanley blade with a lighter and melted the plastic in order to cut it off. Some maths may need to be done and I apologise. I used these LEDs and you can see how I fitted them in in the images. Definitely not the most efficient mounting method or cleanest but it works. https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B072NYZ187/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00__o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 I probably haven’t been the clearest in these instructions, just drop a comment if you need any help or clarification