TEVO Black Widow stock tool print head
This model is not for printing but it can be useful if you are going to invent some improvements for your printer. Such as layer cooling system, BL-Touch mount, air ducts, etc. This accurate, precise and high detail model was recreated from the scratch and presented in genuine stock configuration as it was provided to me by manufacturer. Equipped by BW Extruder and Stock-V3 Hot-end. However, from time to time, manufacturer improves and/or replace some parts in their construction. So, your version of tool head might be slightly different of this presented. Double-check and compare all the key sizes before start your own project. The model of tool head upgraded by standard E3Dv6 heat sink/heat block/nozzle is here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3436984 Russian-spoken people may find a little bit more information on my blog: http://jimblog.me/25863/