Diamond Hotend Full Color 5 Filament Mount Bracket
This is the mounting bracket for the 5 filament Diamond Hotend also known as the Full Color Diamond Hotend. (ie: not to be confused with the common 3 filament one). Therefore instead of just CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow) you get CMYKW (adds black and white) - or instead of CMYKW you can add 5 colors of your choice (of course). https://www.reprap.me/diamond-fullcolor-hotend.html So, no I didn't design this bracket, but I did remove the fan duct because I didn't like it. I also added an accessory arm so that I can add a 3d Z touch sensor bracket at some point. Update: I still haven't gotten my 5 filament diamond hotend yet, but the back two heat sinks looked like they didn't have enough freedom so I edited it a little to give it some tolerance. Update: What good is it if you a full color diamond hotend and you don't have a color mounting bracket to go with? So yeah, here's one. Color-Inception bazinga! Update: Well I printed it but my wipe towers failed again but still the colors came out OK. The extraction worked mostly so there wasn't as many hairs. I'll still need to retract more. The over extrusion is still really bad and I'll get to that eventually. But hey it printed at least. https://youtu.be/dnktJ4UEltM