Anet A8 SN04-N Auto Leveling Sensor Bracket w slidable cutout

Anet A8 SN04-N Auto Leveling Sensor Bracket w slidable cutout


This is a small rework of Changes: - changed through hole for the sensor cable to a side-slide for easier access (this way you don't have to remove all the wiring for the probe if you need to switch your bracket) - mounting hole converted to slidable cutout (more range for the probe to be mounted on, mine was too close to the surface in the original design) To connect the SN04-N probe I have decided to go for the optocoupler method to supply the probe with recommended voltage for better sensing. I used a 4N25 optocoupler (4N35 etc, less then 1$) with a 1K resistor. (but i've heard that the 1N4148 diode method also works fine) (The default setup did not work for me via 5V S_Z, the probe's LED did not turn on when touched with a metal object. Although for some people I've heard it works.) Remember: do not over-tighten the zip ties! You don't want to cut the cable!



