NASA Wrench 1/2" Drive Reversible

NASA Wrench 1/2" Drive Reversible


The original NASA ratcheting wrench (included in the files herein) has a 10mm square drive. I cannot find any mention of 10mm ratchet drives anywhere, so I assume this is a custom NASA size. ***************************************************************** EDIT: I fooled myself when I first printed the wrench from the original NASA .stl file. When I measured the square drive part on my print it was exactly 10.0mm, and I assumed it was meant to be (because I was dazzled by such a nice round number!). But it turns out that I forgot to compensate for extrusion width. So I measured the drive part on the original NASA .stl file and it is indeed 3/8". The files I provide are scaled to compensate for a 0.5mm nozzle. I must assume that NASA's slicer does the compensation for their in-space printer, since the design is full finished size. ***************************************************************** The files included here are for a two-piece version of the NASA wrench scaled up to a 1/2 inch square drive size, making it reversible by printing in two parts and pressing together. The reversible handle part has a hole to accept the driver part. The driver part extends from both sides of the handle, and therefore, a bolt can be tightened using one side and loosened by flipping the wrench over to the other side. The .STL files for this reversible wrench have been scaled and adjusted to make a tight fit using a 0.5mm nozzle. The file "NASAratchet-0.5inBoth.stl" contains both the handle and drive parts, and the other files are the handle and drive separately (and the original NASA file). The separate files are provided in case you want to adjust the fit, (for example, if using a different nozzle size, etc.) if the drive part prints out too big or too small it can be scaled to result in perfect 1/2 inch dimensions. Likewise, if the handle part hole for the driver part is too big or too small, it can be scaled for a better fit with the driver part.







Hand Tools