Fish bowl lamp w. 45 LED

Fish bowl lamp w. 45 LED


Needed a lamp to light my sons fish bowl, couldn´t find anything suitable or worth buying, so designed this lamp my self. to build it you need: 45pc 5mm straw hat super bright LED´s 12v power supply Epoxy glue and hot glue some wires soldering iron and soldering tin etc. the LED´s I bought had a nominal voltage of 3.2 and peak at 3.4v so I wired it 11 parallel by 12parallel and put those 2 rows i series so they draw around 6v, next I wired 11 parallel and 11 parallel and soldered those 2 rows in series, again around 6v. then you take those two 6v clusters and wire in series so they draw 12v, in this configuation you dont need any resistors, but be aware that the power supply you use doesn´t let more than 12v out as it could ruin the LEDs, you can use a larger supply and just put in an appropriate resistor or resistors... print it flat on the bed, both lid and lamp part, I used 20% infill rectlinear 3 walls 5 top and 7 bottom layers, and printed it at 0.15 layer height in PET-G and PLA, NO SUPPORT BUT BRIM IS PROBABLY NEEDED HAVE FUN, FEEL FREE TO USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK, AND SHARE IT AS YOU SEE FIT






