DinoGenics Board Game Organizer
**Update:** ============================ I have updated this insert to work with Controlled Chaos, all in one box! But I moved it to it's own page to avoid file confusion. You can find it here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4574975 ------------------------------------------------------------ This is an insert for the board game DinoGenics. This organizes the dinosaurs into separate bins, plus has trays for the things you need out during the game, including money, goats, visitors, dice, and scandal(!) tokens. The large worker box houses individual trays so that each person can be handed a small tray that has all their workers, their 2 cubes, and 2 discs. The side of the individual worker trays even shows that you get 3 workers to start a 4-5 player game, and the fourth worker at 2-3 players. The game comes with a pretty good insert, but as always, I'm finicky about my organization, so I designed one from scratch. If you'd like one that uses the insert that came with the game, I'd highly recommend the one made by jgrg1, which can be found here: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3415228 ------------ Notes: You will need to print four copies of Dinobox1 and Dinobox2. Dinobox 1 goes in the top part of the box, next to the card tray, and Dinobox 2 goes in the bottom half, next to the worker tray. You will also need to print five copies of the WorkerSingle boxes, to go into the WorkersAll box.