Ender 3 Squash Ball Feet

Ender 3 Squash Ball Feet


Loved the Squash Ball Vibration Isolation Foot [(https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2894395)](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2894395) but didn't want to go to the hassle of getting hardware to fit it. So for my first mesh mixing attempt I merged it with the Ender 3 Foam Feet [(https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3013365)](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3013365) . I get the Feet I want with no hardware required to install other then the squash balls. Got great results. Vibrations dampened and we noticed an unexpected decrease in noise from the printer. You need to print this with supports, especially touching the base. Note that the bottom is not completely flat, it is a degree off so when your first layer goes down you will see some base of the object and some support. While this was by accident, it assists in fitting these to the printer. I printed 4 of these. Cleaned them up and put in my squash balls. Fitting was easy. They are a snug fit and you will need a hammer to lightly knock them into place. Tap lightly so you don't damage the frame. They should tap in easily with the weight of a hammer. if not. stop, take them out and sand the edges. This is where printing with supports is important to ensure the proper clearance and flat surface between the Bottom of the part and the top of the V-Slot.



