Intel Xeon Phi Co-processor x100 Fan Adapters: single, compact, and double

Intel Xeon Phi Co-processor x100 Fan Adapters: single, compact, and double


These fan adapters allow you to add active cooling to passively cooled Xeon Phi server cards so that they can be used in a desktop or workstation instead of a server. I wasn't satisfied with what was available at the time, so I designed these. I also validated their flow rates with a custom flow meter setup.They are verified to fit all x100 7 series Phi's, e.g. 7120P, and most likely fit the 5- and 3- series as well. I attempted to sell them for awhile, but I just wasn't making enough to justify my time, so I'm posting them here. There are three different versions: a single blower, a single compact, and a double. Single blower: Uses one blower fan (Delta BFB1012EH). I designed these to fit within 1 double wide slot, so they won't interfere with multiple double wide cards on the same motherboard. Requires 4x M3 nuts and 4x M3x6mm flat head screws for mounting the adapter to the Phi. The blower fan is held in by a friction fit. The adapter + fan adds about 5.5 inches (14 cm) to the length of the Phi making the total length ~388 mm. Single compact: This uses 2x fans: Delta FFB0412UHN, SanAce 9GA0412P3J01, or similar speed and pressure 40x40x28mm fan. I designed these to fit within 1 double wide slot, so they won't interfere with multiple double wide cards on the same motherboard. Requires 4x M3 nuts and 4x M3x6mm flat head screws for mounting the adapter to the Phi. The fans require 8x self tapping (~#4, 1/2" long) screws. The adapter + fans add only about 75mm to the length of the Phi, making the total length ~323mm. Double: This allows the mounting of a high pressure and high flow rate 80x80x38mm axial fan to two Phis. Example compatible fans: Nidec V80E12BS2A5, Mechatronics MC8038U, or Delta AFB0812GHE. I designed these to fit within 2 double wide slots, so they won't interfere with other double wide cards on the same motherboard. Requires 8x M3 nuts and 8x M3x6mm flat head screws for mounting the adapter to the Phis. The axial fan is held on by 4x M4 (~12mm long) screws and nuts. The advantage of the compact single Phi fan adapter is that it is only 75mm long with the fans. The advantage of the blower version is that the blower fan creates more airflow, which is needed for hot inlet air temperatures. If you are tight on space, print the compact adapter. If you have plenty of space, I suggest the blower fan adapter. If you will always be using two Phi's together, the dual Phi adapter is more efficient. The adapters have pockets for the M3 nuts. If the nuts are too tight, heat them with a heat gun or soldering iron first. If the nuts are loose in the pocket, a drop of superglue helps hold them in. Material: PLA is fine. The rear end of the Phi's don't get hot enough to melt PLA. If you're worried about temperatures, PETG would also work. The early model Phi's have dimensional variations on the order of 0.5mm, and many 3D hobby 3D printers can't do better than that. If the errors compound the wrong way, you may have to sand these a little to get them to fit.






