Kestrel Flying WIng Prototype Sample

Kestrel Flying WIng Prototype Sample


If you would like to get you hands on all of the current files, please like my facebook page (, or visit my website to donate a little money to help me finish the project ( The files for sale come with a dedicated S3D factory file with all parts ready to print with their own specialized print settings. This air-frame is currently in development. The goal is to have all parts assembled together without using glue. In this case you will be able to use the 3d printer to actually duplicate parts to maintain the current air-frame, rather than having to scrap the entire air-frame because one part is damaged. The frame assembles by sandwiching the wings and motor mount between the top and bottom half of the fuselage. The fuselage is bolted together is 12 places with m3 bolts and nuts. The top and bottom fuselage have a single extrusion width skin with a skeleton of internal solid bodies, form fitting wing constraints, motor mounting potions, and servo holders. The skin on the fuselage forms a C shape at it perimeter, to provide a strong and durable perimeter for the aircraft skin, while also providing another firm foundation to secure the wings. The servos are aligned to rotate on the exact axis of the control surface and are connected to the control surface via simple and short control wire with two 90 degree bends. The servos are secure to their mount in the fuselage with standard 9g servo screws and zip ties. Their is also a hatch in the top fuselage to provide quick access to the inside of the wing to perform small repairs, and to replace the battery. The spacious interior of the air frame provides dedicated mounted points FPV systems, and a wide arrange of battery sizes. The wing and control surface are model as solid bodies. Small cuts in their geometry will program most common slicers to create all the internal geometry (spars and infill) even when the object is printing in vase mode. This creates clean prints, with no webs of melted plastic. It also creates strong parts, with minimal layer imperfections due to the absence of material retraction by the print head. The general specs for the frame are as follows: Wingspan: 480mm Dry Weight: <200 grams Suggested Material: PLA or PETG Suggested Components are as follows: Motor: 1308 max ESC: 20 amp max Propeller: 5x3x2 max Servos: Standard 9g servos Battery: 500mah 2s - 800mah 3s







R/C Vehicles