ROSflight F330 Designs
These are some custom designs to make component integration and packaging more convenient and robust for the DJI F330 frame (or a knockoff thereof). This includes landing legs attached to to the existing landing legs with zip ties to lift the frame further off the ground. There's a small mounting plate for a downward facing Pi camera to be attached to the frame with foam padding and zip ties along with some M2 nylon fasteners and stand offs. There's a custom top plate which mirrors the geometry of the stock top plate but adds material and mounting holes to rigidly attach a raspberry pi (I used an RPi 3 model B) with M2 standoffs. Finally, there's a flight controller mount to be used with M3 hardware and standard 30.5mm square flight controllers. The FC mount attaches to the bottom plate of the frame with 3M double sided foam tape and leaves ample room to run a battery strap under the FC. This vehicle was specifically designed for UAVs@Berkeley to use a research vehicle running the ROSflight firmware and ROS stack.