Electric cable extender spool holder

Electric cable extender spool holder


I had loooong electric cable extender and it was mess as always. So I decide to create few parts to make it spooly-extender-like. So you need only 1 empty fillament spool, 3 nuts with 4 underlays and threaded rod...13cm of rod should be enough 2nd side (handle / plug) is a bit higher + - 3mm with space for hole to extend for cable with plug.... look at photos I think you got that idea :) Its very simple hot needle made, version 1 if you want...So if you have desire to improve that...go ahead :) Anyway its for miroluk spools (selling them in czech republic) Designed in Designe Spark Mechanicals, files are included.... ---V2 added--- includes only handle v2 and new stand for holder, both should be able to plug together...glue is not needed but I recomand it... made it so to be supportless ofc...(exept handle v2) I made it as work in progress because I will be "maybe" working on it in future :) And please if you make it, post it, thats the best reward for me :)






