4" Waste Pipe Trommel

4" Waste Pipe Trommel


A variation on a theme - a usable 1/14th scale trommel nade out of heavy duty 3d printed parts and a length of 4" waste pipe... the tuff stuff you can install underground. Updates: 1. Added a couple of "Seperators" that can be glued to the top of the roller mounts to prevent dirt and rock from settling on them. 2. Added the ring gear and drive pinion which I'd initially left out for some unknown reason. Sorry! 3. The motors are type "37GB555" available from ebay and other places anywhere. https://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=37GB555&_sacat=0 4. NB. Skateboard bearings are used in the rollers. What sets this trommel apart from my other is that instead of endless hours printing the main tube (which you might well break the minute it's called on to do any real work) is that for this one I supply the files for three drilling jigs which fit neatly over 4" waste pipe and allow you spend endless hours happily drilling instead. The three jigs are for 6mm 12mm and 20mm holes - the 20mm ones of which are first drilled to 6mm then run through with a 20mm hole saw. to enlarge them If you're not into metric fear not because the nearest imperial sizes will work equally well (1/4 1/2 and 3/4). You'll need two 12v 37mm (1.5") gear motors for this thing. One to turn the trommel itself and another to drive the auger (which lives in the hopper), both of which I'm driving with a single 3A PWM controller. Look for motors in the range of 100-250 rpm for the trommel and 20-60 for the auger. Do a quick google search for "37mm 12v gearmotor" and you'll find plenty of suppliers and they're generally not too expensive. Err on the slow side for the motors if you want realism and endurance. NB: The motors shown in the video are NOT the same as the ones I just recommend above... I just happened to have those two slower/lower powered ones laying around and was too impatient to see built to wait for the faster ones to arrive. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/dNpakfSTVTk" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dNpakfSTVTk ---------------------------------------------------------------------- One thing to watch for when printing is that the auger is a 2-part print. I can only tell you how I combined them in cura but other slicers more than likely have similar features. 1. Load both parts into your slicer. 2. Select only the screw part of the auger then using Cura's <b>per model settings</b> find and select the <b>Make Overhang Printable</b> option. 3. Select both parts of the auger, right-click, then <b>Merge Models</b>. By doing the above, the screw part (only) will have additional material added to it which helps greatly with bed-adhesion (not to mention strength and durability) while leaving the shaft to be printed without change. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The original files are here if you want to modify anything... https://www.tinkercad.com/things/6gA9C4d1YUg-waste-pipe-trommel If you like this trommel you might also fancy printing out my Speed Control Cabinet (https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3426490) to go with it.







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