Operator cover for Andersen Casement windows

Operator cover for Andersen Casement windows


I bought a house with a bunch of broken operator covers. Initially I planned on purchasing replacements, but when I saw the prices, scrounged good ones from around the house and replaced the broken ones in public areas. For the rest, designed this replacement and printed with bronze ABS. This is for the older casement windows made before 1995. Andersen original part number: 0532610 https://parts.andersenwindows.com/detail_0532610__w_wcasement_hand.html This can be printed in three ways. 1) as designed. On my printer, if the temps are not right, the front will bow a little and corners sometimes get deformed 2) can be turned on its front face, but supports will mar some of the front finish 3) can be printed standing on its rear edges, but a brim is needed to ensure the print stays in one place long enough.



