.5" Dowel Filament Spool Bracket

.5" Dowel Filament Spool Bracket


Update 2/23/2020 : I have published a redesign of this bracket, <a href="https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4180550">.5" Dowel Filament Spool Bracket Version 2</a>. It looks a little sleeker, should print faster and should require less material. <hr /> This is a bracket to let you build a customized rack for spools of filament using 1/2" wooden dowels or rods. I designed it to be symmetrical and stackable to make it easy to expand or change a shelf's design by adding more brackets and rods. The holes for the horizontal rods go all the way through the bracket. There are also matched holes on the top and bottom so that brackets can be added vertically for multiple levels of storage. The dowels are spaced about 5" apart, and can support typical filament spool sizes, such as 1kg(8"), 500g(6.5"), and 200g(5.5").



