Lost PLA casting Tree - a casting base and sprue system

Lost PLA casting Tree - a casting base and sprue system


To most Thingyiverse users this will mean nothing, but to some who follow [my YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/vegoilguy), this is the Casting Tree that I demonstrate in the video - shown below. It fits perfectly on a steel flask that has a outer diameter of 102mm and is no greater than 150mm tall. If you're in the UK and want to buy one, drop me a line on YouTube or via my website and I'll tell you which online store sells them. I've also included the branches / sprues. These are very small cylinders, 3mm in diameter. I found they printed okay, but slow printing is better and clean up with sandpaper is needed to a good fitting. **JUST ONE STIPULATION**... if you feature this in a YouTube video, please name me as the Creator and provide a Link to this file. Further updates with **IMPROVEMENTS** will be coming soon. Details below... ![alt text](http://www.vegoilguy.co.uk/_maingifs/sprue-base-v3.jpg "Improvements")






